Brothers & Sisters Race at Tiburon Yacht ClubJuly 4
AHere's the report from Kelsey, who sailed on Keala: Ms July (weird name) sailed aaaaallllll the way from TI and then didn't sail becaue the boys on that boat thought it was windy out. Not me. I got on my boat and told Dad, Mom, and this weird guy Erik "lets go." And it was windy. They made me sit down below and stay out of the way of Erik's longs legs when we tacked. Luckily I'm small. But then water started splahing in from the top, and filling up the inside. And shloshing around. Lots of shloshing. And then once, we turned sideways and I rolled head over heals to the low side, which was really the side of the boat. Fun! Then more sloshing, and then we were done. Didn't see a bit of the race. Why do the gown ups think like doing this? Back at the yacht chug everyone was really friendly - even with their glasses in their hands filled with ikky tasting stuff. I just don't understand. Shirely Temples with extra cherries for me please. I'm calling grandma when I get home.
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