SSS Corinthian Race at Singlehanded Sailing SocietyFebruary 24
Light air at the start gave way to a rapidly freshening breeze as the fleet headed to Little Harding and then turned down to Blossom. The wabbit fleet was split on wind expectations as Kwazy and White Wabbit elected to start with big jibs while Bad Hare Day and Wasta went with small jibs. The breeze built continuously on the beat up to Blackaller from Blossom and the boats with small jibs were able to make some gains back. Kwazy led at the Blackaller rounding with Bad Hare Day and Wasta following. A tanker stopped along the South shore of Angel Island led to an interesting tactical call of whether to go close to Point Blunt between the tanker and shore or try to stay in the westerly below the ship. It turned out that going close to Angel was the right call as after rounding Pt. Blunt the westerly gave way to a building northerly that presented a tough beat up to Southampton. By Southampton Bad Hare Day had taken the lead with Kwazy and Wasta following. Unfortunately shortly afterwards the turning block on Wasta gave up and they were forced to retire. Bad Hare Day led through Racoon and up to Little Harding in slightly lighter breeze that allowed Kwazy to shorten the gap with the big jib up. After rounding Little Harding it was a dash to the finish with Kwazy taking the win by 2 seconds according to official results, but it sure felt closer than that.
PosBoatNameTotalRace 1
1KwazyColin Moore11
2Bad Hare DayErik Menzel22
4WastaRich Jarratt4DNF
4White WabbitBrad Lawson4DNF
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